Saturday was an absolute joy! My Aunt Donna and cousin Allison came up from Benton with an fun group of ladies. They called it a Knitting Field trip. The ladies were yarn-a-holics and were definitely my kind of gals! Jeanetta graciously agreed to hang out as well to help me answer questions and to show off her amazing work too. Her nests and artwork were a hit, and I hope the ladies do take a "Field Trip" to her shop in Little Rock. If any of you are "stalking" the blog (haha) feel free to post a comment!
I set up several tables around and gave them a "yarn making experience tour". One table had processed yarn still on cones, one had roving in many fiber contents and blends, one table had my current limited stock on hand painted and handspun yarns. Then I gave them a painted yarn example and dyed up a boucle, my favorite, in greens, blues, and yellow. I was feeling rather springy. Here it has not been reskeined yet, but once it has I will be sure to show off more photos.
After the ladies took me to the new yummy restaurant, Gusano's. I came home and set the yarn. I really loved the colors once they were all set. I figured I had some left over dye still blended up, so I did a few experiments. I just recently got more silk fabrics to play with. Scarves, sarongs, makeup bags, and some with crushed velvet. Here is one of the quilted makeup bags:
I also have tiny little crushed velvet n silk card holders with zippers. This did not dye up the way I expected it to. I will be throwing this one back on the painting board to give it some more color. The inside ended up showing off the most beautiful shade of green, it's what I expected the outside to do...but everyone knows I love to play with my dyes, so this one too will be updated later.
So here the spring trio together. Too much fun!
Lastly, I have been working on the AREtsy handouts to go in the Toad Suck Sacks (goody bags) we will hand out for free during Toad Suck Daze. Here is what I have come up with so far. I really like it. I wanted it to be in Black N White to take it easy on the ole printer.