Thursday, April 17, 2008

Goody Bags for Toad Suck

Everyday the items are coming in for the Toad Suck Sacks. My mailbox is such a joy. I have got some really cool business cards from Diamondmeenuh Creaions, BowsByMom, TSmithDesigns, a cool postcard size card from NightSkyProducts, a bookmark from Glassbead, cute handmade notebooks by dogwoodlane, and a very adorable hand crocheted bow on a hair clip from Hannah's Creations (hrs09).

I have made up some laminated cards with yarn classifications on the back, for knitters to throw in their knitting bags, and mini skeins with the AREtsy Logo Buttons attached on them. The buttons were made by HotButtons.

There are still several more AREtsy Team Members who have asked for my address so I will be sure to show you the other spiffy things members come up with.

On a side spinning wheel part came in! The right part! Hooray! We have a party to go to this evening, for my step-brother who is visiting from yarn spinning production will be back in FULL swing in the morning. Maybe tonight! ♥


  1. what a load of cuteness!!! I will try to come up with something appropriate to attach to my cards... It's hard to think of what to make to represent either a Snowfolk or a tote bag. Hmm...

  2. Yea! I was scared you'd get spinning withdrawal.

    I still have to assemble a few of my tidbit books, and then they're on their way to you. These goodie bags are going to be awesome!
