Friday, September 19, 2008

Go Hogs Go!

Although, knowingly writing this post, I may have to eat my words to my dear friend's husband...I still must write on. I am a DIE HARD Razorback Fan. It's true. I am a knitter, spinner, and a huge football fan. These three things go together quite nicely in my world. Being the mother of three boys, I best like sports or I will be bored for many years to come. (below is a picture of a boars head on my dad's game room wall)

This weekend, Arkansas plays Alabama. All of my family is from Arkansas and we moved here about a year and a half ago. I have always dressed my boys in Razorback gear, and raised them the right way. Arkansas Razorback fans are amazing. Most states have numerous teams to get behind and Arkansas only has one team that is nationally known, so the whole state is behind them.
I attended the University of Arkansas and it will always be extremely near and dear to my heart. My friend, Jeanetta's husband, Ben, is a die hard Alabama fan. I am one of those who yell and scream and pace and curse (a lot) and tend to have too many beers during a game. How nice to find out, so does Ben! Which is loads of fun to be together during game time, but not this Saturday. I want to continue to be friends with him, therefore, he is not allowed in my home during the game and I will not be answering my phone when I see him on the caller ID.
I will maintain the higher ground and not rub it in too badly, if the wins comes our way, maybe just in a passive aggressive way, as Jeanetta describes in her blog about this same subject.
Dear Ben! Yes, yes, Alabama may have more national titles but Arkansas has it's bragging rights. We now have three rookie starters in the NFL from just last year. Our own Casey Dick has back to back 300 yard games.
The Razorbacks have home field advantage, which has proven itself successful the last two times with us beating Alabama at home. We call those hogs loud!
Don't be too confident...Arkansas has proven itself to be a strong second half team. Out of the 16 SEC meetings between the teams, 7 of them have come down to the final score of the game. 5 times that winning score actually happened on the last snap of the game. Two of the games have gone into double overtime. Needless to say, this should be a very dramatic and exciting game. Did you know, even your own senior center, Caldwell was quoted saying "It usually takes more than a day or two to recover from an Arkansas game."

As always, positive outlooks bring positive outcomes, so I will continue to say "Go HOGS Go!" until the final snap and the clocked ticks zero. Good luck to all you Alabama fans!


  1. Hmmm - interesting reading this in hindsight - no? :) Just kidding. All I can say for Saturday is "Hook 'em Horns"

    Let the games begin :)
