Monday, October 6, 2008


With the elections right around the corner, I am sure you are all as tired of these words as I am. Yes, the elections are important, don't get me wrong. I am just so tired of hearing about voting.

But, this is a bit different. Guess what I am going to do.....YES, ask you to vote! But, not for our country...for a small country farm. Many times I have talked about Martha's Vineyard Fiber Farm. You know how near and dear this farm is to my heart. I have been a share holder for over a year, and as long as Susan has it in her to offer the shares, I will continue to stay involved.

This is where I need you. The farm has been nominated to win a $5000 technical makeover. This is an amazing opportunity. With this money, Susan plans on using the money to update her computer and to set up a webcam system. She already does an amazing job of keeping us involved in her farm, but with the cameras, we can take a peek at the lambs anytime. Plus she plans on putting a camera in the lambing barn, so when the little ones are born, we can all take part in the joy.

So, here comes the request...please go VOTE! It is super simple. You do not have to register to vote or anything. All you have to do is click the "like it" tab, that's it. She only needs about 400 votes to win and it goes until tomorrow night. When I started writing this blog she was at 1,152 votes.

Please CLICK HERE to vote.

Here is a video of Susan talking about her farm and showing off all the animals. There is also a birthing moment on the video, just wanted to warn you, if you are a bit squeamish.

Also, please, please, please pass this on! The voting closes tomorrow and it would just be awesome to see her win. Thank you so much! ♥

By the way, when I finished writing this, the vote count was already at 1,172! Go Go Go!


  1. Just wanted to let you know I voted. #1818...hope they win. The lambs are so cute!

  2. I did vote back when you posted that. Mostly I'm just stopping by to tell you I have a little something for you on my blog:
