Monday, January 11, 2010

Craft Along 2010

 Craft Along with us this year.  Stay motivated to get those creative projects finished.  Just by participating, you can win supplies for more crafting projects and other goodies. 

Don't you just hate it when Christmas time rolls around and you still have a list a mile long of people you would love to make an item for? Then there is that dreaded last week of crafting crunch time, where you mad dash to finish projects. Let me ask you, do you enjoy mad dash craft time? Wouldn't you rather just finish up the touches on a couple gifts and enjoy the Holidays with your friends and family?

I adore my craft times and hate it when it's time constricted. It takes the fun out of it and makes it more like a job. So my proposal to you, if you choose to accompany me on this journey, is to make one item a month for the next 12 months. That way, come Christmas time, you will have at least 12 handmade items completed.  12 items made by you to give or sell, or keep and treasure.  You can look back on 2010 as the year of crafting accomplishments.

Whether you crochet, knit, spin, weave, sew, glue, glitter, or use a blow torch that is entirely up to you! Just join me in creating, in crafting, in being one with your artistic self. Feed the little crafty monster inside of you with at least one project a month and see how fulfilled the rest of your life becomes!

MOTIVATION??? Yes, yes, we all need motivation. There will be the satisfaction of creating a handmade item. There will be the bragging "I took this nothing and made it into this something! What have you done?" And if that is not enough, how about freebies and goodies?

So, here's the deal: Every month, when you have finished your project, please upload a picture to the Event: Craft Along 2010 on The Twisted Purl Facebook page or on Flickr, you can also email the picture. Each month, one of the participants will win special crafting supplies or goodies.

What?  Craft Along...make one item each month now through Christmas 2010
How?  Anyway you like!
Why?  To stay motivated to craft year round, to get a jump start on gifts, or to feed your little craft monster.
Did you say prizes?  Yup!  Once a month, share a picture of a completed craft item and you'll be entered.
Where to send pics?  Facebook, Flickr, or Email

Sound like fun?  If you are on Facebook, please RSVP to the event, if not, please leave a comment here so we know you plan to Craft Along!  Happy Crafting!  ♥


  1. Count me in. I will use the accountability to keep me focused on having some 'me' time to start AND finish a project - most likely something crocheted. Thanks for the invite :)

  2. *tackles squishy colorful yarn in the middle*

    Count me in! Just rsvp'd on facebook!
